
13/11/2024: Invited talk during the workshop "AI4Science" in Beijing (China) on "Can Generative AI Models Efficiently Sample Deeply Supercooled Liquids?"

29/05/2024: Talk during the workshop "Collective Motions of Animals and Robots" in Cargese (Corsica, France) on "From Decentralized Learning of Social Agents to Emergent Collective Behavior"

15/03/2024: Seminar talk at Grenoble Glass Meeting (France) on "Can Normalizing Flows Efficiently Sample Deeply Supercooled Liquids?"

13/03/2024: Group seminar at LPENS in Lyon (France) on "Coarse-Graining (Non-)Equilibrium Soft Matter Systems"

07/03/2024: Invited Talk APS March Meeting Minneapolis (USA) on "Predicting Dynamic Heterogeneity at the Glass Transition Temperature using Machine Learning"

18/10/2023: Group seminar at DLR in Cologne (Germany) on "Predicting Dynamic Heterogeneity at Tg using Physics-Inspired Machine Learning"

03/07/2023: Group seminar at LIPhy in Grenoble (France) on "Machine Learning Techniques for Glass Physics (and Beyond)"

24/03/2023: Theory colloquium in Innsbruck (Austria) on "Coarse-Graining Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter Systems"

15/02/2023: Group seminar at ESPCI in Paris (France) on "Predicting Dynamic Heterogeneity in Glass-Forming Liquids"

16/12/2022: Group seminar in Freiburg (Germany) on "Coarse-Graining Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter Systems"

15/11/2022: Talk during the Simon's Collaboration Meeting in Venice (Italy) on "Predicting Dynamic Heterogeneity in Glass-Forming Liquids"

08/11/2022: Talk during the workshop "Machine Learning Glassy Dynamics" in Paris (France) on "Predicting Dynamic Heterogeneity in Glass-Forming Liquids"